jueves, 2 de abril de 2009

"A City With No People"

This is exactly how I am felling rigth now

In this city...there are no people.

The lights are on in all the houses. But there's nobody on the streets.

Are there people inside? I peek in a window to find out.

There are people. But they are with them.

I look in other houses. These people are with them, too.

This city is just like all the rest.

Being with them is fun. More fun than being with people.

Nobody comes outside anymore. There are no people in this city.

I will leave this city and go to another one.

I hope that I will meet someone. Someone just for me.

But if that special someone falls in love with me...

I will have to leave that someone.

Even so, I want to meet that special someone.

This is what I think as I leave the city with no people.


this is from the anime Chobits, a little middle story...
"Them" for me, are all the standar girls...
if you are diferent, normaly nobody even try to get it
just felling lonely,

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2009

Spiritual adoption

First of all, I can´t beliave Mary write to me o___o she´s like godlike...

I have a really important thing to say
today I adopt a baby
it´s a project on school,
I "adopt" spiritualy a baby, I put her a name ( milena ) and I pray everyday for her.This would sound silly and senseless for someones, but If I ever found a girl on a street named like that, I would feel like I make something

She would born on 26/12/09, today, she was concibed, Hope you make this...

this is the pray(translation):

"Jesús, maría and José. I love you. I hope you save the life of ( name the baby) that is on danger of being aborted."

and yea, if you can, put this on your blog =)

sábado, 21 de marzo de 2009


[ http://lookbook.nu/look/101709-Control-your-poison-babe-roses-have-thorns-they-say ]



I had a medition class on gym, we where working when someone scream “ let´s see who is 90-60-90” it sounds like dun, but we where like…WHAT!!

I mean, I am 90-75-90, I have lost 20 pounds!! It IMPOCIBLE someone to be a 90-60-90, specially the 60 part, I don´t know if it´s for been Latina, but the 90 it´s not a problem… but 60!!! I mean, someone can be like 70 right? 60 HAVE to be a joke!!!

who is 90-60-90? barbie??

then, I search barbie on google and i found this

barbie are baaad dolls =)

In <3>

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2009

No so Sweet sixteen!

costume of the pet of the Impro team of my school
now it´s mine n______n
My no so sweet sixteen was the 15, i didn´t did mutch, the fryday i went out with the best of all the people that you can find, ( nobody from school ) and the saturday with the family, yeah i am kinda boring? naaaah i just enjoy family...
not so many gifts , but I love this !

It´s just to cute =) isn´t?? and yeaaah! I cut my hair =D it was so dumn !!! Now it have a form , witch it´s strange beacuse itps curly!

wiii! ( yeah picnic addicted!)

and here some fashiooon

This it´s from miss sixty ( why nobody gave me this?) I normaly don´t use pink, but the tee ant the center itps now an obsecion!!! it´s just so ... I don´t now.... I Really love all, the jean was spectacular!! I am going to bleach some jeans!
And the two other looks ( why stam is so georgeus!?!?)are great, i like more the first, because of the layers and I LOOOOOOOVE gray
So bad that here aren´t this kind of clothes, well I cant wear them anywhere ( damn curves ;D naah i love theeem!)

PD: why people treat you like crap and then deny it? world would be best if there wheren´s so many hipocrits!

If you can , enter to serendipyti // http://www.lavidadeserendipity.com/ // ( sorry, it´s on spanish) an amazing and peruvian blog of fashion, there she gives advises for the tipe of body, etc... I whish i new that mutch so I could help persons

sábado, 7 de marzo de 2009

allrigth, still

Allrigth, still

Like most of my projetcs, y almost forguet this one =) school, etc, etc... so sorry =) I decided just to write this on english, there´s not so mutch people here who talk spanish rigth? well, first of all, I just discovered ( thanks to " live from the abey road ) one of the BEST bands i´ve ever listen !!! It´s THE ZUTONS! ( listen always rigth behind you, it´s amazing) its folk rock ( that says one friend, I am kinda ignorant) just lisen to them, they´re amazing!! I´ve got some photos to share with you =) I had a cool evening with some friends dresing up , sharing clothes and taking lot of photos!! friend jumping XD mm strange? really strange Friend, I took it i like my legs =) My sister, trying to use my friend school skirt me! my arms look so big, but my legs so skiny...? me again, i don´like my face at this one
I have some homework, i have to goo... ( also adict to pet society and picnic =D)

ALSO! I found this web, I realy like it, it´s www.shape.com , and it´s cool , had cool advises to get fit =)

bye bye!

domingo, 15 de febrero de 2009

Cupid it´s a fat baby with sadistic problem

es oficial
san valentin es un asco
En serio, no se puede salir a ningun lado por que todo esta lleno de gente ( encontre a una señora dando de mamar al aire libre), todos estan agarando en media pista.ademas me encontre lamentablemente a dos parejitas del cole ( yo queria pasar mis 2 meses de vacas sin verlos =( ) y bueno, sobre la ropa =) encontre un link de la marca momo, este post es sobre sus zapatos, muy interesantes:
* por alguna rason mi pie aleja y descarta a las balerinas, pero estas estan muy lindas, decearia poder usarlas =)
it´s oficial
Valentine´s day suck
You can´t go anywhere, alone or with a sister, mecause everyone it´s making out on the street, even breast feding on the stret. Also, I found two couple of the school toguether ( i didn´t want to see them on vacations =( )
Here´s a link from Momo´s shoe, they also have other clothes, let´s see their page little by little =)
*i can´t use balerinas for some reason, but these are cute

estas doradas me gustan bastante, son elegantes sin tener tacos ( debo buscar unas así =) )
I like this, they look very nice and fanci, but not heels

Amo el estampado de la sigientes, si las tuviera, las usaria todo el día!
I love the pattern on the next ones =)!

La verdad ( a mi parecer) estos zapatos no tienen nada que envidiar a muchos de diseñadores de marcas mundiales, claro, que nose cuanto cuestan
I think this peruvian shoes don´t have nothing to envy from the USA desingners

estas botas son bastante interesantes, aunque vi unas con estampados mas lindos en rypley ( no digan que ordinario por favor =) hay ropa buena, y si tienes muuuuuuuuuuuucha suerte, barata)
These are kinda interesting, with very simple clothes can go well i think =)

estos los ameeeeeeeeeeeeeeee en serio, se ven lindisimos, aunque de seguro me caeria, para las personas normales que saben caminar con tacos , deben buscarlas
I LOVE this, they are georgius , I would fall from this =), but for the ones that know how to walk on heels, are amazings

Página web:


si algún día aprendo a usar tacos, usare este tipo de zapatos:
If I could ever use heels, i would try these

los vi en cosmo hace mucho en un desfile de 20 años de DKNY, claro que esa marca no llega aqui pero siempre se puede buscar algo parecido no?
These are from the 20 years aniversary of DKNY , you canpt find them here but i want them ;-:

sábado, 14 de febrero de 2009

feliz san violentin?

la verdad este día no me emociona mucho, no tengo mucho que hacer =) vengo de un campamento, estoy cansada....supongo que solo saldre por un café...
bueno bueno, queria avisar que la página del gato espacial parece ya libre de virus, tienen algunos diseños interesantes para el verano, se podra ver en el trigal o en su taller
mis favoritos!

me gusto este =) se verian fantasticos con legins

este se puede encontrar en varios colores

siempre he querido un bolso del gato espacial, pero un grande para el cole... pero este serviria tambien =)

tengo uno bastante parecido pero con una correa... estilisan bastante