jueves, 26 de marzo de 2009

Spiritual adoption

First of all, I can´t beliave Mary write to me o___o she´s like godlike...

I have a really important thing to say
today I adopt a baby
it´s a project on school,
I "adopt" spiritualy a baby, I put her a name ( milena ) and I pray everyday for her.This would sound silly and senseless for someones, but If I ever found a girl on a street named like that, I would feel like I make something

She would born on 26/12/09, today, she was concibed, Hope you make this...

this is the pray(translation):

"Jesús, maría and José. I love you. I hope you save the life of ( name the baby) that is on danger of being aborted."

and yea, if you can, put this on your blog =)

sábado, 21 de marzo de 2009


[ http://lookbook.nu/look/101709-Control-your-poison-babe-roses-have-thorns-they-say ]



I had a medition class on gym, we where working when someone scream “ let´s see who is 90-60-90” it sounds like dun, but we where like…WHAT!!

I mean, I am 90-75-90, I have lost 20 pounds!! It IMPOCIBLE someone to be a 90-60-90, specially the 60 part, I don´t know if it´s for been Latina, but the 90 it´s not a problem… but 60!!! I mean, someone can be like 70 right? 60 HAVE to be a joke!!!

who is 90-60-90? barbie??

then, I search barbie on google and i found this

barbie are baaad dolls =)

In <3>

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2009

No so Sweet sixteen!

costume of the pet of the Impro team of my school
now it´s mine n______n
My no so sweet sixteen was the 15, i didn´t did mutch, the fryday i went out with the best of all the people that you can find, ( nobody from school ) and the saturday with the family, yeah i am kinda boring? naaaah i just enjoy family...
not so many gifts , but I love this !

It´s just to cute =) isn´t?? and yeaaah! I cut my hair =D it was so dumn !!! Now it have a form , witch it´s strange beacuse itps curly!

wiii! ( yeah picnic addicted!)

and here some fashiooon

This it´s from miss sixty ( why nobody gave me this?) I normaly don´t use pink, but the tee ant the center itps now an obsecion!!! it´s just so ... I don´t now.... I Really love all, the jean was spectacular!! I am going to bleach some jeans!
And the two other looks ( why stam is so georgeus!?!?)are great, i like more the first, because of the layers and I LOOOOOOOVE gray
So bad that here aren´t this kind of clothes, well I cant wear them anywhere ( damn curves ;D naah i love theeem!)

PD: why people treat you like crap and then deny it? world would be best if there wheren´s so many hipocrits!

If you can , enter to serendipyti // http://www.lavidadeserendipity.com/ // ( sorry, it´s on spanish) an amazing and peruvian blog of fashion, there she gives advises for the tipe of body, etc... I whish i new that mutch so I could help persons

sábado, 7 de marzo de 2009

allrigth, still

Allrigth, still

Like most of my projetcs, y almost forguet this one =) school, etc, etc... so sorry =) I decided just to write this on english, there´s not so mutch people here who talk spanish rigth? well, first of all, I just discovered ( thanks to " live from the abey road ) one of the BEST bands i´ve ever listen !!! It´s THE ZUTONS! ( listen always rigth behind you, it´s amazing) its folk rock ( that says one friend, I am kinda ignorant) just lisen to them, they´re amazing!! I´ve got some photos to share with you =) I had a cool evening with some friends dresing up , sharing clothes and taking lot of photos!! friend jumping XD mm strange? really strange Friend, I took it i like my legs =) My sister, trying to use my friend school skirt me! my arms look so big, but my legs so skiny...? me again, i don´like my face at this one
I have some homework, i have to goo... ( also adict to pet society and picnic =D)

ALSO! I found this web, I realy like it, it´s www.shape.com , and it´s cool , had cool advises to get fit =)

bye bye!