jueves, 26 de marzo de 2009

Spiritual adoption

First of all, I can´t beliave Mary write to me o___o she´s like godlike...

I have a really important thing to say
today I adopt a baby
it´s a project on school,
I "adopt" spiritualy a baby, I put her a name ( milena ) and I pray everyday for her.This would sound silly and senseless for someones, but If I ever found a girl on a street named like that, I would feel like I make something

She would born on 26/12/09, today, she was concibed, Hope you make this...

this is the pray(translation):

"Jesús, maría and José. I love you. I hope you save the life of ( name the baby) that is on danger of being aborted."

and yea, if you can, put this on your blog =)

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